New Player Guide
What follows is adapted from “A New Player’s Guide
to the Game of Diplomacy for Internet and Play by e-Mail,” by Edi Birsan &
Lee Vining, 2009. Aside from the rules themselves, if
you read only one thing before starting to play, let this article be it!
START: Your Approach to the Game
Why Do We
Play Diplomacy?
As with
most games, we play the game primarily to have fun and compete in an
environment that is fun for you and fun for others. Diplomacy
is a great game, with lots of history and a large fan base, but at the end of
the day, it is after all a game. As with any contest, you may find that
tensions rise and tempers flare, but you need to remember to keep everything in
proper perspective. If you are not having fun, taking things that happen in the
course of the game personally, or you are the one making things personal, then
what are you doing playing the game? When in doubt, read the first line and
remember why you are playing this game.
READY TO PLAY: Starting Your First Game
Types of
There are a variety of ways to play Diplomacy. The
game is played in person, by phone, by mail, by email, on judges, on the
Internet with human judges, and on the internet with
games judged by computer programs. This guide is primarily intended to address
games you will encounter while playing by email or playing on one of the
several internet Diplomacy sites.
What You Don’t
Want To Do
The goal, as mentioned above, is to have fun with
other players who are also having fun. With that in mind, there are a number of
things you want to avoid doing:
1. Don’t Be a Quitter. When you start a new
game, you are playing with 6 other players who are all investing time and
energy into the game the 7 of you are playing. When you put your name down to
play the game, you are entering in a sort of social contract with the other
players to play that game. If you end up doing poorly you may be tempted to
drop out. Don’t do it! Dropping out in anger or frustration may mean that
another player’s position in the game is affected by your decision not to play
any longer. Remember that this is a game with 7 players, only one of whom can
win, which means that 6 players do not win.
2. Don’t Play Just for Points. Winning can
mean different things to different people. Some players
play just to have fun, other players may play for rank, or prestige, or to
interact with and make friends. If you are playing a game which awards points,
regardless of what the scoring or ranking system is for the site you are
playing on (including this one), you should realize that playing for points is
less common than you might think. One of the wonders of the Diplomacy game and
gaming hobby is that there is no consensus on the ultimate scale of
achievement. How many draws equal a win? What is the value of having more
centers than another player at the end of the game? What is the difference
between being eliminated 6 times and winning once, versus having 7 games ending
in 7-way draws? All ranking systems are arbitrary, and systems that measure
success have been subject to debate for over 50 years. And yes, the hobby is
over 50 years old, and was played by post (snail mail if you wish) before the
Internet was even conceived.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Communicate Your Situation
to Other Players. Despite everything you can do, you might have a personal
disaster that interferes with your ability to finish the game you started.
Clearly this should be a rare occurrence; but if this happens, and you simply
cannot continue, communicate that fact to the other players in your game and on
your site. Consider posting a notice in the site’s forums looking for a
replacement player, apologize to the other players in the game, and remove
yourself gracefully from the game. You don’t need to tell anyone the gory
details of your story if you don’t want to, but remember that nobody likes to
be walked out on without any explanation at all. Remember, we are Diplomacy
players — do you really want to turn your back on us?
4. Don't Cheat. This is simply a matter of
fair play. While in a game of Diplomacy the players will deceive and lie to
each other to gain advantage, no one should deceive or lie to the Gamemaster if
your game is has a human judge or the site moderators or administrators. While
there are different ways to cheat, for online games one of the most important
Failure to abide by these rules means you are cheating and you will be
expelled. Though it is less likely to happen, YOU MAY NOT HACK INTO THE SITE’S
This is also cheating and will result in your being banned from the site.
About Your
First Game and What to Do
You’re starting a new game and don’t know what to
expect, right? Diplomacy is a game of negotiation, player interaction, and
strategy focused more on the 7 players around the game board (real or virtual)
than the 22 game pieces that start on it. Keep this in mind, since if you don’t
interact with the other players, your chances of success are slim indeed. Here
are some activities and actions you might consider to improve your chances of
having a successful game.
When a game starts, you and the other players
should get an announcement that the game has begun.
A. You should write to every single player on
the board. Communication is often the difference between having good
opportunities and bad ones. What should you talk about? Whatever you want! You
can ask about neighboring provinces, attacks, defenses, plans, rumors, secret
or open agreements, style choices, or even what their favorite color is. The
most important thing is that you have written to everyone, starting the
communication, and this tells them that you are in the
game, on board, and you are willing to talk. Note there are some variations
where player communication is either limited or removed, so be sure you are not
in one of those Gunboat (no talking) games.
B. You may wish to write a note in Public Press which then goes to everyone. Introduce yourself,
wish everyone good luck, tell a joke or whatever you
want to do. Now, you should be aware that experienced players may attempt to hide their involvement in the game for
strategic reasons. They may not communicate with a neighbor because they don’t
want to reveal their intentions, or they may want to be able help another
player in bluffing you that they are non-responsive and perhaps might not order
moves or something. Generally I find that I prefer to communicate as opposed to
that kind of subterfuge, but know that you will encounter both kinds of
behavior and it is up to you to figure out what it means.
Myself, I prefer to write an introduction of myself
typically, something along the lines of “Hi there, I am Edi Birsan, age 59, I
live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have been playing for a while and I like
to play in game conventions Face-to-Face. If you are interested you can write
to me at EdiBirsan AT astound DOT net.” Note: There are many younger players
who may feel uncomfortable with providing such details, and that is fine. I
would simply suggest that you say something less personal. Anything from “Hi
there, I am a student and I like sports. I found out about this game from my
History Teacher who is giving me extra credit if I do well here so please give
me all your centers since I have no clue about history and need all the help I
can get.” to a simple “Welcome Everyone” would suffice. The important thing is
to break the ice and let everyone know you are alive.
Should You Expect When Replacing an Abandoned Power in an On-Going Game?
Taking over another player’s position brings with
it all the challenges of a new game plus some extra problems. All of the things
mentioned above under new games apply to existing games, but usually your need
to get communication going is even more urgent. Taking over an abandoned
position can help new players learn the game faster, since they get to see and
experience an established position’s moves, orders, correspondence, and
strategy. However, most abandoned powers have poor positions, so these new
players often sign up for a replacement position and wind up taking over a
declining or almost-eliminated power. Often they are
surrounded, being attacked by one or more players who plan to wipe the country
out. Players in existing games may actually be annoyed that you have taken over
this declining country because they were counting on walking into your last
remaining centers without opposition. You’re in a tough spot, so what do you
do? Consider the following:
A. Take the public position that you have entered
the game and look forward to meeting all the players and having some fun. You
know you’re in a poor spot, but you’re just hoping to help everyone finish the
game without further delays due to lack of submitted orders and communication.
This explains that you are not a suicidal masochist
who has no clue what you are doing, and/or accidentally hit the wrong key and
walked into a buzz saw of pre-existing alliances.
B. Review the correspondence sent to your country,
and the former player’s replies if you have them. Respond to the last few
messages with the idea of at least communicating with the players, whether
friends or enemies, who are now confronted with a whole new player. This tells
them that you are not ignorant of the past history of the game, and that you
bothered to pay attention and follow up on your broadcast that you want to know
the people you’re playing with and have fun.
C. Communication is a key component of eventual
success, as most players will agree. Players/powers are more inclined to
respond favorably to you if they have built up a rapport with you through
ongoing communication with them. Use that as a survival skill, since it often
is! It may not be fair, but the cute puppy is usually adopted before the ugly
one right? When playing online, your communication becomes your persona; it
becomes you, at least to the other players. Be personable, even if it might be
a stretch for you.
D. Ignore the size relationship between your
countries and try to talk to everyone as an equal. Intelligently going over the
tactical, strategic and diplomatic situations that you see with the other
players, and asking for their help in understanding it, might gain you new
opportunities the player before you did not take the time to discover or
develop. Again, if you act like a victim you will be one. Communicating can’t
always save the power you take over, but it sure can’t hurt.
What About
When the Game Is About to End?
In Face-to-Face games (FtF or F2F) there is a
long-standing tradition of shaking everyone’s hand when you are eliminated and
you leave the game and the table. This is good gamesmanship and a reminder that
it is a game after all. When you are killed off (and it happens to all of us
who stick around no matter how good you become) thank the other players for
their time and participation, even in-game enemies. Giving other players
compliments for good play can’t hurt, and comments on what you might look to do
better show the other players you are committed to improving yourself for the
next game. Likewise if you are playing and someone is eliminated, thank them
for their time and efforts and wish them better results next time, don’t gloat
or exult in their elimination, since this will only cause hard feelings. You
will learn to appreciate your opponents in the game, even if that person was a
“double dealing backstabbing Boston Red Sox fan”, or whatever your poison of
choice might be. The fact is, without all 7 players the game is very different
both in playability and level of enjoyment. Above all, remember that it could
have been you walking away first from the table.
Though not expected when playing in person, on-line
players will occasionally consider writing an EoG or AAR (End of Game, After
Action Report) detailing their game experience, strategies, and the results
from their point of view. It is common and even expected in some occasions, and
it is an opportunity for each player to talk about what they did, why they did
it, assuage their own egos, or even offer excuses or make amends. Explaining
why you did what you did helps show the other players you just stabbed for your
solo win that you are not really the lowest kind of pond scum in the game.
Remember that blaming the system for your loss or situation, launching personal
attacks, or continuing in-game conflicts generally does not go over well.
Instead it may make you appear to be a rotten loser. Sincerity, honesty and an
effort to help the other players understand your actions are key, while poor
grammar and spelling on the other hand is often overlooked.
For most veteran and elite players, all the
countries are a balance of opportunities and challenges, with all powers being
roughly the same. New players often find it hardest to play Austria, Italy or
Germany. One of the reasons for this is that both Austria and Germany are often
under a lot of pressure to communicate with the other powers on the board.
Further, if your communications go poorly those countries are “center” powers
and can be more easily attacked by the edge countries. New players tend to go
into a tailspin when things start to go wrong, because they don’t understand
what it might take to recover their position. They have not experienced the joy
of a comeback from the cliff of elimination, or the sheer enjoyment of playing
a really good game in an eventually losing position. If you talk to elite players
about their favorite games you will find that nearly everyone has a story about
a game they did not win but was a ton of fun anyway. Italy is also often a hard
country to play for new players because it can be hard to see your best set of
options and how to commit to that strategy without causing a self-destructive
sequence of events. New players will dither about in Italy, unable to see a
path to follow for a chance at victory. Whatever the country assignments happen
to be in your game, remember why we play. In this guide are some things to help
you get through the game in the best possible shape.
There are 12 neutral supply centers at the start.
They are placed about the board in historically significant areas in Europe.
They are like minor powers waiting to be absorbed by the major powers in the
game. They will typically go to nearby powers in the early game, as noted in
the list below, but remember that some openings will target the typical
disposition of these centers. The list shows you what you might see from a
group of Veteran players (Elite Players expect that everything is theirs).
Bulgaria: Turkish
Serbia: Austrian
Rumania: Russian
Greece: Typically Austrian in 01, since he can
force it unless Italy and Turkey combine
Tunis: Italian
Portugal and Spain: French
Denmark and Holland: German
Belgium: up for grabs between
Norway: English
Sweden: a Russian target that can be bounced by
Germany going to Denmark in Spring 01.
There are a finite number of moves and, over time,
typical openings for each country have emerged. These openings are what you
might see, but certainly there is nothing that says you will see all or most of
these in any specific game. Strategy and diplomacy will determine what you
actually see from each other player, and what you do yourself with your own
moves. The most common (and sometimes boring) openings for each country are
listed below in the following list.
Austria: F Tri-Alb, A
Bud-Ser, A Vie-Gal
England: F Lon-Nth, F Edi-Nwg, A
France: F Bre-Mid, A Par-Bur, A
Germany: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Kie, A
Italy: F Nap-Ion, A Rom-Apu, A Ven holds
Russia: F StP/sc-Bot, F Sev-Bla, A War-Gal, A Mos-Ukr
Turkey: F Ank-Bla, A Con-Bul, A
Note that these openings have been given names by
various people, and if you read strategy articles for opening moves you will
see these names, but for a new player it is simply best to know what they are.
and Named Openings
There are literally over 100+ openings between the
7 powers that have been named and are recognized as openings that are realistic
in giving a power a chance to succeed in the game. The mathematicians amongst
us will tell you that there are a million possibilities, but some openings are
so poor that no one would realistically try them in any game they hoped to win.
Fortunately for us, this game is not about numbers — so you can ignore
the math at this point. You will find that experienced players may toss around
some named openings such as: Lepanto, Sealion, Koningratz Freak Out, Two North
Two South, Ionian Gambit, and others. We will not go over these here, but it is
not that tough to educate yourself. Just put the names into a Google search
with the addition of Diplomacy Game, i.e. “Lepanto Diplomacy Game” and you
should be able to find them. There are a large number of excellent resources
for the new player, and you might consider going to the Diplomacy Archives at The resource section there has many hours of educational
reading for anyone that is interested. Still, if you can’t find the information
you need, or you’re desperate, you can ask me or any other experienced player.
Most should be willing to help you out.
You Should Ask the Other Players in Spring 1901
I will list some questions each specific country
should ask at the start of the game (below). However, there are several basic
questions every player in any position should want to know:
A. Have you played with any of these players
before, and how did it go?
B. How long have you been playing?
C. What is happening in: (pick one) Galicia, Black
Sea, and Belgium?
The first thing to consider is that this is
Diplomacy, and the responses you get could very well be lies told to you to try
to influence the decisions you make in the game. Even if they lie to you
though, all is not lost right? If they lie to you that tells you something too,
doesn’t it? However, assuming you decide you can trust the answers, they will
give you some good information. The answers to A and B will give you an idea
what you might expect from other players in your game that you yourself have
not played with. The kind of response you get and the style of the writing that
the player uses to answer B tells you a lot about the player himself. The
Answers to C are universal to all games and they help you understand the
strategic situation of the board even if you don’t learn anything through your
diplomatic efforts. Now, it is again important to note that experienced players
may use feints and misdirection, especially in the early game, in order to hide
their true intentions while trying to see what you and the other players will
do. However, elite players will rarely lie for foolish reasons. Remember that
when considering the following situations.
What is happening in Galicia?
If there is a bounce in Galicia then the Austrians are probably not going to
cover Trieste, so Italy has an opportunity to go there. If Italy knows there is
a bounce and does not go to attack Austria, it may mean they are more inclined
to work together, right? Does it mean that Italy has another target in mind,
and are you that target?
What is happening in the Black Sea?
If there is a bounce in the Black Sea, figuring out what it means makes you ask
some additional questions. Is there a move by Turkey to Armenia too? If not, it
tells you that Turkey is much less likely to open up with an attack on the
Russians, since most of the time the Turks like to stab the Russians right off
the bat with a move to Armenia and the Black Sea both. Sometimes a mutual bounce
is arranged between powers as the first step to further cooperation, which
could pose a real problem for other nearby powers. It also may mean that there
is probably going to be a Russian army heading for Rumania through the Ukraine
rather than a Russian fleet. This poses a significantly greater danger to
What is happening in Belgium?
If there is a Spring 1901 decision on who is getting
Belgium between France, Germany, and England, and you are not in that group,
then you may not know the results until the Fall turn when someone takes it.
However, if there is clear agreement on who gets Belgium, then it is a sign
that the West is organizing together, perhaps for a triple alliance that will
move east quickly. If the decision is that England is going to get Belgium, and
this is not disputed by a move from France or Germany, then the follow-up
question is whether it is with a fleet or an army. A fleet is generally less
dangerous to either France or Germany and may be a symbol of an unsettled
situation in the west, but one that is not yet openly hostile. If it is an army,
it is a much greater danger to both countries, and is usually a sign that there
will be fighting in the west very soon. Remember it is important to consider
both the moves that work, and the ones that don’t, in thinking about what your
opponents might be doing. An English convoy of an army to Belgium, which is
supported by a French unit and which bounces a German army that tried to go
there too is probably a bad sign for Germany, right?
Questions Each Country Will Want to Ask and Consider When Looking at the Board
Austria: Is
Germany going to open with Fleet Kiel to Denmark? This tells you immediately
whether there is even a possibility of Germany keeping the Russians out of
Sweden in 1901. Are the Turks going to Armenia? Are the Italians interested in
going West? Are the Italians interested in going to
Tyrolia to threaten the Germans while having Rome go to Apulia? As Austria you
do not want the Italians in Tyrolia AND Venice, as that is asking for an attack
and is the opening move of a powerful Italian gambit to take advantage of
Austria’s going into the Balkans.
England: What is
going on in the English Channel? Does France want a DMZ and will the French
agree not to build fleets in Brest? Does France ask that you not build fleets
in Liverpool? Where is the German Fleet Kiel going? A move to Holland could
mean that he is on board for an attack on France, and it also means that Russia
will get Sweden for sure in 1901 which is a sign of
friendship between them in the North. What does Austria say about Italy? Italy
may lie to you about going against France to suck you into moving to the
Channel while he goes East. This leaves you with a
France that is upset at you and may attack you and leave Italy alone. You might
get a clue here from your Diplomatic efforts if the Austrians or the Turks tell
you that Italy is interested in the East not the west. Where is Russia going
with Army Moscow? North to St Petersburg is potentially a problem for you and
may indicate a 1902 attack in Scandinavia.
France: Is
England willing to DMZ the Channel and give up building Fleets in Liverpool? Is
Germany looking to build three, and if so, what are the units they say they
want? As France you probably want Germany to be interested in building one
fleet to keep England from completely controlling the seas. Is Russia going Two
North (Army Moscow to St. Petersburg, Fleet St. Petersburg to Bothnia)? As this
threatens the English in Norway it may give you an option. Is Italy interested
in going for Munich and will he build an ARMY from that build? If Italy is
totally focused on being a fleet power then there will probably be an early
conflict with France or Turkey, usually no later than the start of the Mid game
period (after someone has been destroyed).
Germany: Will
France stay out of Burgundy? Will France build fleets and go after England?
France with a balance of fleets and armies will be a midgame threat to Germany.
The role of the Italians is important to see whether the French will be
occupied in the south. What is Russia saying about the south? Will they be
targeting the Austrians with both Italy and Turkey and, if so, what do you
think will happen next? This is important to consider as it may help you decide
if you want to keep the Russians out of Sweden to slow them down, or maybe
shift units in the west with the English to clean the Russians out of the North
Italy: What is going on in the
Channel? Does it look like the English and the Germans are interested in a long term alliance, and what does that mean to you? Are the
Russians talking about killing the Austrians but silent about what happens
after that? That could mean they are hoping to get your help now but help
Turkey against you later. Are the Russians talking about working with the Turks
and then going north? That means that you are going to be faced by a strong
Turkey in a head-to-head battle with no help from behind, even if Russia and
Turkey don’t gang up on you. What does the Austrian tell you of the English and
German relations? This gives you an indication as to what to expect in the
north and that may make the Russian question easier especially if you know
England and Germany are going south to fight France and won’t put any pressure
on Russia.
Russia: What is
going on in the Channel, and are the French interested in a dynamic, out-of-the-gate
attack on someone? Is it England or Germany they want to attack? Try to find
out what the Germans are doing with their fleet. If they are going to Denmark
then you should talk straight up about Sweden in the Fall so there are no
misunderstandings as to what a bounce in Sweden means. Do not be afraid to ask
straight up if he is going to bounce you, and try to find out what his thinking
is. This way you can have a little reaction time to deal with it and consider
maybe working with the English to have the English go to Denmark as you go to
the Baltic to punish the Germans for being so aggressive. What is going to
happen in the East after the first attacks? By this I mean you should LISTEN to
what other people are saying about what happens after the fall or either Turkey
or Austria. Where will they go next? Do you have an option there
Turkey: Are the
Russians going north with Army Moscow? Are the Italians interested in going all
out against the Austrians and then turning west while you go North?
Will the French and English be working long term together? This would mean
whatever you do in the east needs to happen on a very short schedule as you
have to have it sorted out in time to shift fleets into the Mediterranean to
stop the French or roll them back. Are the Germans going to Denmark and what
does it take for the Germans to bounce the Russians out in Sweden? You want
this info whether you are working with or against the Russians by the way.
This is already a lot longer than I would like it to
be, but Diplomacy is both a simple game to play and complex game to truly
understand, as you will find out. It at least gets you started though and
should help you through your first games. There are plenty of resources out
there for you on how to play specific countries and different alliances,
problems of negotiations including things like self-fulfilling prophesies, and
the normal issues of lies and trust. I hope you will find, as I do, that the
game is really more about trust than it is lies, but that is different subject…
trust me.
Good luck to you in your games. Go out there,
Have Fun
and Make it Fun for Others!